
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another Week in Nicaragua

News About "Uncle Andy"
As you may know, Jeff's brother Andy had a fire in his home.  The entire house was destroyed and everything lost.  Fortunately Andy, his daugher Nadia and their dog Eddy are doing just fine.  Unfortunately insurance is not going to cover much.  If you know Andy (or even if you do not) and are interested in helping his family recover visit

Independence Day - By Emma
Here is a video from the independence day parade I was in.

I was in the independence day parade.  They were celebrating independence from the USA (note, September 14th commemerates the battle of San Jacinto during which the Nicaraguans defeated American William Walker who had declared himself President of the country).  I practiced for a very long time.  I had to skip school just to practice.  I learned how to use a baton and pom poms.  It was great.

A New Job – by Jeff
Life in San Ramón keeps presenting twists and turns, most of which are fun or at least interesting. The one thing I least expected to be doing in Nicaragua was working but as of last week I am once again employed. The director of a place called Finca Esperanza Verde went back to the United States on paternity leave and I am filling in for a month or so during his absence. It is just a part-time gig and taking care of the family is still my main job. However, this will be a nice diversion for a few months and it is for a very good cause.

Finca Esperanza Verde is a business with a mission (a.k.a. a social enterprise). It is an award winning eco-lodge and coffee farm that creates jobs for folks from San Ramón. Finca Esperanza Verde is also a nature preserve with an extensive trail system. The profits from this business are used to fund community programs such as building schools, repairing the town’s water system, supporting a dance festival, bringing electricity to rural communities, etc. Finca Esperanza Verde was started by Sister Communities of San Ramón, Nicaragua (SCSRN), a nonprofit based in Durham, NC that promotes people-to-people connections and supports social and economic development projects that build friendship, understanding, justice and respect for the Earth.

I starrted this job just one day before the director left for the US. We did not have much time together so I am still trying to figure out my role. Luckily, the staff I are excellent and know what needs to be done to keep the place running. I would like to believe the main skill I bring to the table is extensive experience running nonprofit organizations. However, I fear that my ability to drive a stick shift, use a computer and translate are probably more important.

So far I am enjoying this opportunity.  I have already met some wonderful folks and the farm is a very special place.  Emma, Hannah and I spent a night there and had an incredible time.  Please check out the links above to learn more about our work and how you might be able to support it. Also, I now (regretably) have a mobile phone - the number can be found in the contact info page in case you ever need to call.

What I Did - by Hannah
These are the things I did this week.

1.  Made an omlette with our chicken's eggs.

2.  Went to my friend's birthday party with Emma.

3.  Visited our friend Janeth in Matagalpa where we lived before.

4.  Stayed at Finca Esperanza Verde with Emma and Daddy.  It was really fun.

5.  We had no school this week so I played and played.

Blogcation - By Aileen
I am taking a break from blogging and will write again one of these days.

1 comment:

  1. lovely blog, team. what's your email address?


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