
Sunday, May 30, 2010

We're Actually Going.

Aileen and I lived in Nicargua for a year in 2000. We had such a great experience that we decided to live overseas again once we had children. Ten years later we are pursuing this dream with our daughters, Emma (7) and Hannah (5). We are taking this adventure for many reasons, the top three are: to help the girls learn Spanish, to experience another culture together and to have some family time in a more relaxed environment.

We are moving to San Ramon, Nicaragua in late June and plan to stay for a year. It took a long time to decide where we were going to live, but more on that later. In the meantime, Emma and Hannah have something to say....

Video of Emma and Hannah Talking About Moving to Nicaragua



  1. What an exciting opportunity for you and your family!! I look forward to following your adventure, learning more about Nicaragua, and seeing through your eyes how this experience impacts your family and the communities with whom you and Aileen will be providing services. Travel safely, take care of each other and come home in good health!!

  2. I, too, look forward to reading your blog. Thanks for having one. As 2nd grade room parent, I'll keep the kids up to date on Emma's adventures. Have fun!

  3. Where ever you and your family goes may peace and love follow

    Keith Kemp

  4. I love your kids. Great commentary.

  5. Personally, I want to hear all about the retirement community - hehehehe. Seriously, have a wonderful experience while the girls are young. Be safe, enjoy and know we are thinking of you with lots of love.

  6. Hey Jeff -

    I hope you and your family are settled in at this point. where are you living? The last blog entry I see is in late June - hope I didn't miss anything. I just wrote a card to Rene's wife to tell her how sad I am about Rene.

    May each day be full of wonders!

    Laura W.

  7. I love hearing about your day to day adventures. This is an incredible journey especially for the girls. Send our love to all and hugs. Cannot wait to see you in one year or so. Lynn & Skip

  8. Jeff:

    You are living the vicarious lifestyle that we all dream of. I hope you and Aileen, Emma and Hannah are safe and having a great learning experience. (At least for the children) I’ll be checking your blog every now and then so please keep the information flowing as it is very enjoyable.

    Just a note – I’ve been involved with B’nai B’rith for a number of years and we have a strong representation in South American. If you ever need help just email me and I can contact people in South America through our offices in Washington DC and see if we can do anything. Contacts like this are nice to keep in your back pocket just in case you need them.

    Lynn is still involved with Hadassah and I’m still working as hard as ever. Business is starting to come around again and the economic problems we have been having in the States are starting to show signs of improving. It’s still going to take another year or so without any additional screw ups by our current administration, but that may be more than one can ask for.

    Keep the blog running and have a great time, you're only young once! Love to the family.

    Skip Benjamin


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