
Monday, January 30, 2012

Only in America

We returned to the United States on January 10th to take care of some business, apply for public school and visit our loved-ones, especially Aileen's mom who has been ill.  We visited the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern New Jersey during our three week whirlwind tour.  Here is everyone's take on the trip.....

Our trip back to the United States made me think of my great grandfather's favorite expression "only in America."  Only in America will you find:
  • someone ingenious enough to use a urinal while talking on two different cell phones
  • someone as clever as Newt Gingrich, who manages to be taken seriously by so many people
  • someone who refuses to make eye contact when you say good morning to them at the bus stop
  • so many damn Starbucks (though that is changing fast)
  • a room full of children that is completely silent because everyone is using electronic devices
Snarky social commentary aside, we loved being back home because only in America do we have such wonderful friends and family.  Thanks to everyone who let us sleep in their homes, cooked us meals, bought us drinks and took time away from their busy schedules to visit with us during our brief stay.  Super special thanks to Joseph who hosted me during a brief mancation to Toronto and Nick who took a bus from DC to NYC just so we could hang out for a day.

We had a really good time in the United States.  We visited our friends and saw Mommy and Daddy's friends and went to a park and had play dates.  We had to take an exam in Spanish for our school next year and we got an A+.  We visited Aunt Lauren's house, Uncle Andrew's house, Cousin Ann's house and Grandma's house.  We played a lot.  Peru is stupid, no, just joking but I am sad to leave America.

I had a really good time.  I really enjoyed visiting my friends, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.  I also had a really good time visiting my friends.  I did not like all the boring things like shopping and taking my Spanish exam.  I am sad to go away from America but  I can't wait to go back to Peru.

The past three weeks have really flown by.  It's been great seeing so many friends and family members, a lot of whom have been super-flexible and understanding, letting us stay in their homes, treating us to wonderful meals, and driving long distances to see us.  We especially appreciated "Grammy and Pop Pop," who flew all the way from Florida to see us in CA, and were so understanding about our inability to stop off in FL during our trip home. It's been great spending time with so many loved ones, but I have to admit that I'm also looking forward to getting back to Arequipa.

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